Red Light
Hiding behind white privilege
Sulking around in white guilt
Ignoring racism within us
Rationalizing our biases away
Benefiting from others’ oppression
Turning against each other
Ignoring history
Giving into the hopelessness, which immobilizes us
Acting like looting in 2020 is the first and only violent act
Being hard on ourselves
Green Light
Taking accountability
Listening to people of color
Advocating and amplifying voices of BIPOC
Reading about psychohistory of Racism in America
Showing up
Holding two opposing feelings at once
Teaching other white folks
Sitting in the discomfort of change
Being kind to ourselves and others
Compassionately being bold
Developing a positive white identity instead of defaulting to the white identity America has given us, which is racist
Yellow Light (yield, wait, observe)
Being angry
Taking up space in the conversation
Knowing the difference between self reflection and selfishness
Knowing the difference between stop talk and stop being silent
Knowing the difference between between listening and speaking up
Knowing the difference between lifting up others and feeling bad for others